Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012


Nungki Kusuma Astuti. 0810483071. Study Techniques of Pineapple’s (Ananas comosus (L) Merr.) Seedling for Clone GP 3 in PT Great Giant Pineapple Lampung. Main supervisor by Dr. Ir. Dawam Maghfoer, MS. and Margo Trilaksono, SP. as field supervisor.
              Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L) Merr.) are scattered and grow in Indonesia. Indonesia occupied the third position from the producing countries of processed and fresh fruit of pineapple in the world after Thailand and Philippines. Pineapple production in Indonesia in 2010 reached 1.4 million tons. Lampung province contributed the largest production is 466 000 tons with a plantation owned by PT. Great Giant Pineapple, which since 2004 till now listed as the top three world producers of canned pineapple. The successful cultivation of pineapple in the PT. Great Giant Pineapple is determined by the quality of seeds. There are three clones planted are GP 1, GP 2 and GP 3, in which GP 3 is a new clone in the development stage. The seedling of pineapple is done using the crown, stem shoots (suckers) and nursery.
Job training conducted from September 19th until December 19th 2011 in PT Great Giant Pineapple, Terbanggi Besar Km. 77 Lampung. Some activity that was done followed activity in PT Great Giant Pineapple, included, orientation, observation, discussion, interview, collect primer and secondary data, literature view.
              The results of  Job training in  PT Great Giant Pineapple is to know the techniques of pineapple seedling for clone of GP 3 which new clones to be developed in a short time. Techniques of pineapple seedling for clone GP 3 was carried out using stem shoots (suckers) and nursery. Sucker plucked from the stem’s plant crop about 4 months after harvested while the nursery are the result of the division crown planting fruit and stems of pineapple plants that are still active. Nursery can accelerate the development of clones GP 3. The results of these seedlings are planted to crops production.

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